Timothy D. Cryan
Lighting Design Portfolio


Act III:
"...And my boy Joel, who knew the stars- he used to say it took millions of years for that speck o' light to git to earth.
Don't seem like a body could believe it, but that's what he used to say - millions of years."

Thesis Project:

Our Town
By: Thorton Wilder
Location: Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, NYC
Architects: Frederick Law Olmstead & Calvert Vaux, 1862
Terrace Ornamentation: Jacob Wrey Mould
Sculpture, "Angel of the Waters": Emma Stebbins, 1873
Dramaturgy, Direction & Design: Tim Cryan


Angel of the Waters, 1/4" Model:
Construction: Jian Jung
Paint: Arnulfo Maldonado


Department of Design for Stage & Film
Tisch School of the Arts
New York University
May 2005.